Greeley Colorado real estate story

Here is a story concerning real estate in Greeley Colorado. Which could be true of real estate in any of Northern Colorado towns . I was recently swindled into listing a Greeley home located on 1728 11th Ave. I was sure that the shiny new Keller Williams sign I purchased for the yard would rust and decompose before I might sell this listing.  This not being a comment on Greeley real estate as much as my being aware of all the paper shuffling and government regulation it now takes to purchase a home. Not to mention if you’re looking for a mortgage you’ll pretty much need to have the patience of a saint to get through the lending process. Well much to my surprise and the satisfaction of the home seller we had 4 offer in two days and two of them being full price cash. There was obviously something happening in Greeley that I had not been aware of until now. Whereas I thought I had one to many listing in this starter price

range I soon realized I had more buyers than Homes to sell. As usual I had to tell the seller that NO we could not sell the same house to more than one buyer, of course this being more or less my style of humor.  I was immediately put on the scent of meeting neighbors and walking the area to explain the good real estate news and obtain another home to sell. Many Realtors dread this cold calling process and avoid it all together as it being far beneath the merit of their time. I on the other hand look at the local scenery and enjoy meeting the somewhat animated characters that go along with the delicate process. There are many fine stories that I have that start with wondering a neighborhood and that end with comical event and lessons not soon forgot.  So I stared my new listing search heading south on 11th avenue and turning on some street which a didn’t pay much attention to at this early point. Greeley Colorado is laid out with Avenues in one direction and Street running in the perpendiculars, which sounds simple until a road intersects the other system completely throwing off my thinking process. I knew if I was ever going to locate my car again I had to make mental notes of where I was. So armed with a class full of memorized Listing scrip’s in one hand, which I swore I would never use but for some reason could never get out of my head (why had I taken that class) and a large chai latte in the other I set out to meet new people. There in front of me was a fine gentleman inside a small picket fence doing something on his knees in a flowerbed so I crossed a street and headed toward this house. Before I could reach the corner he stood up and walked into the back door of his cottage style home. Right as I was about to reach in the fence so I could unlock the gate and proceed to my newfound friends house I notice the most handsome but somewhat large male dog not 12 inches from my hand as it extended over the fence. Some thing inside me caused me to retract my arm and contemplate the situation. He was a beautiful dog some kind of pit bull Shepard mix, he had huge brown eyes and made not a sound. He stared at me looking back and forth from my hand to my eyes as he sat not 4 inches from the gate and he was nearly as tall as the picket fence. We looked at each other neither one moving for perhaps a minute, which seemed longer to me. I weighed the situation carefully in my mind of how I could accomplish meeting my new friend in his home, would this fine animal resent if I reached in his gate. I looked at the dog and I looked at the houses up and down the tree-lined street. Without hesitation I turn and proceeded up the street to other potential new friends I might meet and still retain my dignity not to mention my arm. After all, this elderly man who leaves his dog outside would only think me a dang fool if a walked into his yard without permission. I was enjoying my large spicy Chai, the warmer weather and on the bright side I wasn’t being rush to ER for stitches. I Deciding I would look for people outside their homes that didn’t have fences. As I scanned the street I saw an attractive women, well dressed and very appealing close to my age. She was meticulous in her dress, her hair was brown and she wore an open friendly smile. I could tell she was professional as she carried a cell phone and some kind a day timer. I was sure this would be a good contact and I could use my realtor introduction asking if she or someone she knew was interested in buying or selling a home. I was nearly at the home she was standing in front of, she seem inviting and friendly and continued to smile. I was sure this was going to lead to a success story either now or in the distant future. I introduced myself to her and she offered me her hand in a warm and friendly handshake. I told her I had listed and sold the property around the corner as I pointed back I realized I didn’t really know what street I was on, or was this an avenue. In any case she listen intently truly interested in my presentation, She handed me her card and told me she was a realtor and there for a listing appointment. I felt the Chai go down my throat in one large gulp and tried hard not to show my surprise. She said she was happy to meet me and would keep me in mind for her new listing, as she turned and went inside the home. For one brief moment a thought came to me that perhaps this seller would like a second opinion, another CMA telling them value of their home. Perhaps they where going to interview several realtors and I owed it to them to contact them. Deep down another voice told me this was not a good idea she was there working, doing her job and it was her listing. I had an image of some old cartoon where Goofy was selling door to door, on one shoulder was a devil and the other an angel, you get the general idea. I turn and walked further up the Street still holding half a latte and knowing somewhere out here would be another Home. I did manage to walk about two blocks as I thought the odds were better at finding a home to sell. Just as I thought I would have to knock on a door to find someone to talk to, I saw a fine specimen of a woman. She was a senior citizen about 20 years old than I, she had white hair and was no more than 5 feet tall with a perfect lavender flower gardening coat on and small straw hat. I could tell she noticed me approaching but she did not turn from her work. I came within about 20 feet of her from behind and cleared my throat, “Good morning do you or someone you know need a Realtor”. I did not mean to say this but nonetheless this is what came out of my mouth. My first thought was to just keep walking but it was too late she whipped her head around with more agility than I thought her capable of. At this point I noticed she had a cane in her hand. I made a mental note that if she had been master Yoda I would not have given her and her cane more respect. “What did you say”, she replied as she looked through narrow slits for eyes with such intensity that I felt I had no secret from her aged gaze. Do you need a good Realtor I said,  “Like I need another hole in the head,” she said. What I mean to ask is, if there is anything I can help you with, as I am a realtor and recently sold this house, as I looked back over my shoulder I began to think I was to far from where I’d parked my car and my Latte was nearly gone, somehow I was stuttering. I actually found myself backing up two paces as she effortlessly moved nearly twenty feet in a matter of a second. I kept one eye on the cane thinking how many villains underestimated the aged Chinese monks with their walking sticks in many movies I had seen. She said, “Come inside and tell me about it and ya I need some help”. For a brief second I thought this really works and I glad I came out to meet people. I even thought I might get a new listing out of the deal from this kind woman. After being asked to sit down and being offered a drink, I opted for water at this point she pressed me for details about what I did. Taking control of the conversation I discussed Real Estate, Greeley Colorado real estate, Fort Collins real estate, Windsor real estate, northern Colorado market conditions and the house I had listed, wherever it was at this point. She nodded politely and added a few , “yes” and I see statements. After five minutes I began to remember that this conversation is not supposed to be about me but is supposed to be about the client. I was not listening or asking questions I was talking nonstop and if roles where switch I might have thrown myself out the door. I wrapped up my conversation with and what can I help you with, as I wanted her to start talking. She laughed and gave me her first smile, which helped and made me feel at home. I immediately grew found of her and remembered my own grandmother and how I missed her. She said, “ I really need help moving two boxes from the back porch to the living room” I told her sure no problem and help her with her boxes. She offered me a sandwich, which I politely turn down and bid me farewell. Now where did I park my car?

Published in: on April 16, 2010 at 5:59 pm  Comments (1)  

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